Sunday, March 22, 2009

pang umaga

Another week of duty. Morning shift is quite laborious than any shift in terms of average situations. Getting up early is not a problem anymore even though I only sleep for five hours. Anyway, this week is a family week in the ward. On Wednesday, we have 11 patients that are confined. 5 of them are my relatives. I know that they were because I handled the admission and discharged. A lola, a nephew, and 3 cousins. And on the other day another lola came, and a cousin. Most of them have the same cases which made me wonder.

Each day I learn new things, I re-experience the college duty days. One of the important things that I have to endure is separating family matters from the profession. The experiences that I am having are extraordinary. I assisted in delivery, suture and ivf. All in one week after 2 years of not doing any health related things.

I just wonder how my colleagues could finish in earlier before the shift ends. My work isn’t even greater than theirs yet but I can’t finish it earlier so that I could have time to check for it. But one thing I knew is that I can work faster if I work alone, much less mistakes, and no misunderstanding. But I understand that they are the one who adjust for me, I should. Little by little I’ll learn all of the things I need to know.

When I looked at the mirror this morning i noticed that my abdomen has become smaller and abs can be seen in silhouette. Hehehe. Sa sobrang kain noon lumaki bigla ang tiyan ko. Then when I started working in the hospital, lumiliit na ulit. Kaunting crouches lang, magkakaroon okay na.hehe.

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